Nacho Duato has sent a letter of support to Sergei Filin and the Bolshoi Theatre company


After having found out about the attack on the Bolshoi Ballet Director Sergei Filin, Nacho Duato sent a letter to the Bolshoi Theatre administration.

Our Theatre and me personally are deeply shocked about what happened to Sergei Filin. Having found out about the attack, I couldn’t believe in this incident. We are deeply concerned about our colleague’s health and hope that he will get better soon. This is a terrible, barbaric event, unthought-of in a civilized society.

I have had a privilege of working with Sergei Filin at the Bolshoi Theatre and at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre. We have a good professional relationship, and I deeply respect him both as an artist and as a distinguished director.

I do hope that our support, compassion and sympathy can help, even if a little, Sergei Filin and those who are close to him at this difficult time.

The whole company of the Mikhailovsky Ballet joins me in sending our very best wishes on to Sergei. We believe that he, who has done so much for the art of ballet, will fully recover and return to the theatre, the company, to his profession.

The Mikhailovsky Theatre

With deep condolences and sincere wishes of recovery

Nacho Duato, Artistic Director of the Ballet Company

Nacho Duato, Artistic Director of the Ballet Company. EFE/Dave Coll
Nacho Duato, Artistic Director of the Ballet Company. EFE/Dave Coll

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