Royal Academy of Dance


Foundations for the Future

On 4 January in London and 17 January in Sydney, the RAD launched its new Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate syllabi. Luke Rittner, Chief Executive of the RAD, opened the proceedings on both occasions introducing the Key Note Speakers: Christopher Hampson, renowned choreographer, in London and RAD Vice President and Artistic Director of the Australian Ballet, David McAllister AM, in Sydney.

After inspiring speeches by the key note speakers, Lynn Wallis, Artistic Director of the RAD and Paula Hunt, RAD Chair of the International Panel of Examiners, introduced the new syllabi, which featured a theatrical presentation of the work performed by the Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate students by kind permission of Elmhurst School for Dance (UK) and Alegria Dance Studios and National College of Dance (Australia).

At the London launch the programme was brought to a close by a rare treat: a live coaching session on a short solo from Frederick Ashton’s A Month In the Country led by Jonathan Cope, Royal Ballet Répétiteur with Benjamin Ella, Artist with The Royal Ballet. At the Sydney launch An Audience with Darcey Bussell, presented by the celebrated former Principal Dancer with The Royal Ballet, was an enchanting finale to the evening.

Royal Academy of Dance Web

RAD staff collected enthusiastic feedback from the guests which created this image.
Photo: Elliott Franks


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