100 Years Ballets Russes

The first premiere of the season, on December 7, 2008, is dedicated to the “Ballets Russes”, the legendary troupe of Russian dancers, managed by Serge Diaghilev, who, a hundred years ago, initiated the development towards modern dance.

"100 Years Ballets Russes" to premiere on December 7, 2008.

The first premiere of the season, on December 7, 2008, is dedicated to the “Ballets Russes”, the legendary troupe of Russian dancers, managed by Serge Diaghilev, who, a hundred years ago, initiated the development towards modern dance.

The three-part ballet program “100 Years Ballets Russes” will present two Munich premieres of works from Diaghilev’s repertoire, “Shéhérazade” by Mikhail Fokine and “Les Biches” by Bronislava Nijinskaja, together with a creation “Once Upon An Ever After”, a work the young choreographer Terence Kohler will produce in close collaboration with design artist Rosalie and thus revive the fundamental idea of the Ballets Russes: the mutual stimulation of choreography and graphic art.

Shéhérazade- Costumes by Leon Bakst

"100 Years Ballets Russes"
to premiere on December 7, 2008

The first premiere of the season is dedicated to the legendary “Ballets Russes”.
The triple bill presents: "Shéherazade", "Les Biches" and "Once Upon An Ever After"

Shéhérazade- Costumes by Leon Bakst


Première on Sunday, 7 December 2008
Performances: Monday, 8 December 2008 – Thursday, 11 December 2008 – Monday, 29 December 2008 Thursday, 1 January 2009 – Sunday, 10 May 2009

Lucia Lacarra – Shéhérazade- Costumes by Leon Bakst

Soloists and corps de ballet of the Bayerisches Staatsballett
The Bavarian State Orchestra

Shéhérazade- Costumes by Leon Bakst


Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003


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