Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® Certification

Zena Rommett Floor Barre® Certification | Danza Ballet 


Dear Dance Instructors, Doctors, Physical Therapists, Dancers and Trainers, We would like to let you know of a unique opportunity to share Zena Rommett’s, the originator of Floor-Barre®, insights and teachings of the world renowned Floor-Barre® Technique.

The Zena Rommett Floor-Barre Foundation offers Floor-Barre® Certification annually in New York City. We are pleased to announce that after many requests for a European certification, in July 2012 there will be a bi-annual Floor-Barre® Certification in Italy.

The Zena Rommett Floor-Barre Foundation offers Floor-Barre® Certification annually in New York City. We are pleased to announce that after many requests for a European certification, in July 2012 there will be a bi-annual Floor-Barre® Certification in Italy. Zena revolutionized dance training with her gentle, yet highly effective and therapeutic method. The technique utilizes the floor without the pressure of gravity to correct and refine body alignment, strengthen joints, as well as address muscular-skeletal functions. As a pioneer in injury prevention and rehabilitation, Zena Rommett’s work is recommended by notable medical practitioners. Long before, the terms ‘mind and body’ were commonplace, Zena developed this harmonious technique where one is guided by careful direction; working from within, focused to apply each meticulous movement correctly. Among the countless Floor-Barre® enthusiasts are Tommy Tune, Patrick Swayze, Judith Jamison, Mercedes Ellington and Phylicia Rashad who states ‘Floor-Barre® is safe and for everyone’. a year that you have been certified and you decide that Floor-Barre® is something that you would like to continue teaching, the expectation of certified Floor-Barre® teachers is that they return year after year to reflect, refresh and review their practices along with other and more senior Floor-Barre® teachers from all over the world.

As you can see from the payment schedule, the fee is reduced over the years to make it more affordable. We will fast-forward the fee structure so that within a reasonable number of years instead of paying into the certification sessions, senior Floor-Barre® teachers will be compensated.

The Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® Foundation receives requests for Floor-Barre® instructors internationally. We are looking to recruit teachers to improve today’s quality of ballet and body refinement training. Certified teachers will have their own page on the Floor-Barre® site with their contact information.

Please let me know if you have any specific questions.
Enrollment is limited.

Zena Rommett Floor Barre® Certification | Danza Ballet

Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® Certification

Zena Rommett Floor Barre® Certification | Danza Ballet

Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® Certification, Italy 2012

ITALY F L O O R – B A R R E® C E R T I F I C A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 1 2
Dates: July 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12, 2012
*July 8, 2012
*First time participants are required to attend a pre-certification intensive
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Studio: Florence Dance Center
Location: Borgo della Stella 23R, 50124 Florence

N Y C F L O O R – B A R R E® C E R T I F I C A T I O N A U G U S T 2 0 1 2
Dates: August 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12, 2012
*August 8, 2012
*First time participants are required to attend a pre-certification intensive
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Studio: City Center Studio #5, 130 West 56 St, (bet 6th & 7th Aves) NYC
Tuition: $1200 (four days)
*One time Pre-Certification Intensive Fee for July 8 (Italy fee $200) or Aug. 8 (NY fee $300)
Certification: Continual certification is available. Costs: 2nd & 3rd years $600; 4th,
5th, & 6th years $300; 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th years $150
Financial assistance in the USA is available through Career Transitions at (212) 764-0172

Application Process: Submit your resume and a few lines regarding your Floor-Barre® experience and goals. Please include a letter of reference from a professional in your field.
Floor-Barre® is a registered trademark belonging to the Rommett’s and ZRFB-F. All rights protected. 

Zena Rommett Floor Barre® Certification | Danza Ballet

Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® Certification, Italy 2012

©2012 Danza Ballet


Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003


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