1st Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition

1st Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition | Danza Ballet 


IBCC is an international competition officially designated by the Ministry of Culture of China, and hosted by the National Centre for the Performing Arts. The competition will be held at NCPA in Beijing from 7th to 17th July 2011.

Tenet: To pick out promising ballet dancers and excellent choreographers, and to further promote international exchanges.

Classical Ballet applicants should be 18 – 26 year old professional ballet dancers (referring to competitors born from 1st July 1985 to 30th June, 1993)

1st Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition.

Official Website: www.china-ibcc.org

Contact: Email: ibcc2011@sina.cn

Address: Organizing Committee, 9th Floor, Tower A, Pacific Century Place, 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100027, China Address : 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100027, China.

1st Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition | Danza Ballet

1st Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition

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