Exhibition «Divine Maya»

St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music presents a new project on close interaction between theatre and fashion, dedicated to Maya Plisetskaya.

The exhibition «Divine Maya» was prepared with the active participation of Plisetskaya on the threshold of her anniversary, but now will be a tribute in memory of great ballerina. «Divine Maya» will be open in the Sheremetev Palace from 2 October to 8 November 2015.

Ballet and fashion are communicating vessels. Especially if we are talking about the life and work of Maya Plisetskaya. Costumes for her ballets were created by Yves Saint Laurent and Jean Paul Gaultier. She was a friend of Pierre Cardin for 35 years. Evening dresses and casual dresses by Cardin took pride of place in her wardrobe. In 1998 the artist of fashion and his muse organized a joint show «Fashion and Dance», which provided a retrospective of Plisetskaya’s ballets and Cardin’s collection. However, the exhibition goes far beyond memorial exhibits.

Natalya Metelitsa, the director of the Theatre Museum: «Our aim is not only to acquaint the public with museum materials, costumes and photographs of Maya Plisetskaya, but also demonstrate her influence on the world of fashion. As part of the exhibition project renowned fashion designers and talented newcomers will create original outfits based on images of Plisetskaya and present them at the exhibition.»

«The Divine Maya» involves prominent St. Petersburg designers: Tatiana Parfionova, Tanya Kotegova, Alena Akhmadullina, Ianis Chamalidy, Stas Lopatkin, Elena Badmaeva, Igor Gulyaev, Iya Yots, Vladislav Aksenov, Larissa and Alexandra Pogoretskaya. The exhibition includes dresses from Pierre Cardin, Muse that Plisetskaya was for many years, and works by contemporary Petersburg fashion designers, inspired by her work. As noted by Shchedrin, these works can afford to look to the future.

«Maya Mikhailovna endorsed the idea of this exhibition we decided to prepare for its 90th anniversary. The idea of the exhibition belongs to the young Museum workers, who have not seen it on stage. They decided to offer the modern fashion designers of St Petersburg to compose the costumes based on the work of Maya Plisetskaya,» said the Director of the Museum of theatre and music-Natalia Metelitsa.

In this Museum, the newspaper notes, is stored 11 suits of Pierre Cardin created for ballets, written by Rodion Shchedrin. The costumes of «Anna Karenina», «the Lady with the lapdog», «the Seagull». From modern designers in the project took part Tatyana Parfenova, Tatiana Kotegova, Alena Akhmadulina, Janis Chamalidy, Stas Lopatkin, Igor Gulyaev, Ia Lots, Vladislav Aksenov, Alexander and Larissa Pogoretsky.

Legendary ballerina Maya Plisetskaya died may 2, 2015 in Germany at the 90-m to year of life from heart attack.

The exhibition «Divine Maya» will be supplemented with evening of memories about Maya Plisetskaya, meetings with fashion designer and popular lectures on the history of fashion.

St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music.
02 October- 08 November 2015 г.
Address: Sheremetev Palace, 34 Fontanka river emb

The exhibition «Divine Maya» St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music. 02 October — 08 November 2015 г.
The exhibition «Divine Maya» St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music. 02 October — 08 November 2015 г.

Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
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